Thursday 29 May 2014

sailing up the river tamar

this page will go active tomorrow when you will be able to track my progress up the River Tamar. I have decided to seize the moment and head for Calstock, a fair way up the river Tamar.

this link will take anyone who is interested to the RYA pilotage notes for sailing up the Tamar to Calstock

The weather forecast isn't pretty but beggars cant be choosers can they and this is the last opportunity I have to do it before starting back at work on Monday.

The winds are around 10 knots dropping to 5 knots during the afternoon with short, sharp showers predicted between bouts of sunshine. on Saturday, the weather is better - it wont rain but winds are very light and from the north - backing around to the east which is pretty much perfect for what I need. tomorrow they are from the east most of the day - again this is perfect - over the starboard beam.

I have taken a mooring at the Calstock boat yard and I will be able to moor alongside their pontoon for around 2 hrs either side of high water before having to retreat to a mid channel mooring - sounds perfect.

For the first time, the IPAD will be accompanying me along with one or two navigation apps I want to try out. We'll see how they go.

I intend launching around 11.15am from QAB and will have a little shakedown cruise first around the sound before heading in to the mouth of the Tamar around 12.30ish.  I aim to arrive at Calstock around 6pm just enough water there to moor alongside the pontoon.

I suspect I will be able to sail as far as Weir Quay and then after that probably resort to motor although if there is sufficient wind from the east and sufficient water on the bends - I may be able to sail up past Pentille Castle and Haldon Quay. Who knows - we shall find out tomorrow!



  1. Good luck, been a frustrating week weather wise, takes away the appeal of overnighting on board so i think we're taking the kayaks out today


  2. Checked on your progress throughout the day. Looked like a successful outing... Looking forward to your accounts of the trip.

  3. Hi folks. Thanks for checking in.
    It was a great sail; motor up the Tamar. Feeling refreshed and invigorated. Hope you enjoy the forthcoming accounts and videos

    Now I know the lay of the land so to speak, the next trip up will be under sail as far as possible.



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.