Friday 9 May 2014

Sailing up the Lynher in a welsford navigator

May half term
26th/27th's looking good. Low tide is 11am and high tide 5 pm. An incoming spring tide. So.......... I should be able to sail up with the tide. Low tide around midnight and high tide the following morning around 6am. So sailing back down river on an outgoing tide.

Now all we need are nice southerly winds which back around to the west or east on the following morning and life will be wonderful. Oh and lovely sunshine as well. That would help. So I have to start planning passage plans, inputting  waypoints on GPS and contact the St. Germans sailing club for advice and whether I cold prevail on their hospitality Monday night and everything should be hunky dory!

I'm getting good vibes about this trip.  And, the Saturday before, is the Newton Abbot boat jumble.



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