Saturday 24 May 2014

Possible overnight camp stops

I haven't quite decided where to camp tomorrow. There are four possibilities.

1. At St Germans - the starboard side of the most starboard trots - out on the mud flats - as you look up river towards the railway viaduct

2. Up a tributary of the Lynher - alongside the pontoons at Boating World although despite contacting them three time by email - they haven't replied - so I guess I should take the hint!
3. on the southern, outside bend of Dandy Hole - I could anchor fore and aft right in the lee of the wooded hill slope which would give me a sheltered anchorage for the night
4. in the top of the picture above is a little triangular piece of land with a small beach - just off the main channel - right hand bank. I know the hostellers club have used that beach before. I am camping on a set of rising spring tides - so if I moor in such a way that I have an aft anchor out; along with a bow anchor onto the land - I should be able to camp on the land; let the boat dry out overnight and then re-float in the morning
Well that's the theory anyway!

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