Monday 5 May 2014

A refurbished rudder for a welsford navigator

Arwen will be back in service from next weekend. After carefully sanding the rather large torn chunk section in the rear of the rudder, I decided against an all out cut out and stick in new piece job. It wasn't quite as bad as I had feared and so I have smoothed it to a significant 'dent' and that's it. It's not  a botch job so much as a 'lasting temporary repair'.

The rudder is now outdoors. In the nice warm bank holiday weather, yes i'll say that again, in the nice warm, sunny, bank holiday weather......the rudder has been given three coats of aluminium flake paint and three coats of international toplac white. The rudder stock has also been touched up with international toplac bounty red.

Fittings have been tightened and all is well. Alongside this the back decking has been pressure washed; new tubs planted; the veg boxes sorted and a new plastic outdoor garden tool storage bin assembled. All is well and as it starts to cloud over I am heading in to do four or five hrs school work in preparation for next week.

I like four day weeks. I am sure productivity would increase, there would be less sick time taken and the nation would be far happier if we did three day weekends. Maybe I'll run for parliament on this mandate!!!!


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