Saturday 19 April 2014

Parc Guell

One of the places we visited was Parc Guell. High on the hill of El Carmel in the Gracia district of Barcelona, it is one of Gaudi's landscape masterpieces. Built between 1900 and 1914, it was originally destined to be a luxury housing estate! you can read more about it here at
(with all the warnings associated with wiki!)
Catalan flag
now it is a municipal park

the entrance

the focus of the parc is the terrace on columns seen above
it has a windy serpent on it

the seat backs form the sinuous serpent


Gaudi's aim was to design a place that promoted peace and calm

the walls are meant to imitate the trees in front of and on top of them

Catalan Spanish really have chilling out down to an art form

stunning views across the city to the Mediterranean

Gaudi's house


souvenir sellers who disappear and reappear after the municipal police have passed by


the blue and white tower left me baffled but then I walked on and.......

eventually discovered the parc entrance


distinctive Gaudi mosaic tiles

So was it peaceful and calm?
We spent two lovely hours wandering around it
Definitely worth a visit

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