Friday 11 April 2014

Casa Batllo

We really liked this house..................

full of curves and a triumph of design and function

lots of surprises..........and 'oh my's!'

Its a fire place

huge amount of care and attention was paid to how natural light would pass through the house

this was the main room

the oak wood style and craftsmanship was exquisite

everything was themed around the sea and water

there was a central light well that carried light from high up off the roof down through all areas of the house......a brilliant piece of design that channelled light throughout the house

the tiles started off darker blue at the top and became increasingly lighter towards the bottom

Space was so well utilised

Huge attention was given to ventilation throughout the house; in the above photo the slots on the right hand wall open into the central 'well' area around which spirals the stair case - air and light came from this central well to all parts of the house

I was rather taken with the design of this sink

and even the ceilings were works of art

in the  garden and out on the roof....the trade mark broken glass and pottery artwork

chimneys cleverly disguised

can you guess what the roof work represents?

think mythical sea dragons.............

Gaudi......artist, architect extraordinaire and genius......

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