Sunday 16 March 2014

Not having given up yet on a tent for Arwen

Whilst looking and admiring Joel's handiwork on his website for the umpteenth time I came across this blog and what lovely thinking about tents.  I could see how it would work on Arwen with no problem.

So more food for thought!



  1. last summer I bought a couple cheap tents from walmart and started cutting them up and stitching them together to make a tent for Ellie. I didn't finish the project but it shows some potential. I chose a-frame tents which wasn't the best choice. I think cutting a dome tent in half and connecting them with a straight section with doors in it would be better. I hope to revisit that project again this summer. -Joel

  2. Yes, there seems to ba as many tent ideas as there are boats... I will not get any further on mine until we have a proper spring (snowing outside now) and I can unwrap my boat.

  3. Hi anders
    I'm just waiting for better weather to have a play around as well



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