Sunday 30 March 2014

Forgive me father...for

....I have sinned.

I went out for a stroll on a Sunday night. I forsaked the marking; the planning of lessons; the analysis of my previous week's progress data; and I became human again.

I took 'her indoors' for a Sunday evening stroll; like normal people do!

rarely do you get to see the water level so high in the inner basin at Sutton Harbour - behind the old converted warehouses of the Barbican

Normally to jump down to these pontoons would result in serious injury - today you can step across onto them - wow!

Iona of Fife - a lovely little vessel

going out on the high tide; seaward bound

the foundation stone of Smeaton's tower - our iconic lighthouse on the hoe

one of our local art projects; we have had an outbreak of fish across the city

well done Plympton St Maurice primary school!
Today was the first Sunday this academic year where I stopped work early enough to go out in the evening. It felt slightly rebellious and a guilty pleasure!
last weekend was my birthday and has become a tradition, my wonderful daughter made a cake for me in keeping with my passions. This year she designed the world map taking in to account global warming and predicted sea level rise.....well that is her excuse anyway!  Thanks hun - you spoil me!


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