Sunday 16 February 2014

The opportunity arose...........

A 15% discount in the sale at my local kayak shop.
I have bitten the bullet and replaced my old crewsaver PFD with a new one. It had served five years and had failing zips, a small tear or two and some general wear and tear which had taken its toll. It has been consigned to the "spares" locker for now. It is still serviceable. 

I spent ages looking around and followed the advice of Osbert who owns a JW 'Walkabout'. I looked at lalizas PFDs but they had only one or two I liked. At the end of the day I went on practical recommendation of some sea kayaker friends and a couple of sailing instructors I know and plummed for the palm kaikoura. You can read about it in a post from a few days ago. 

First impressions......
  • Good fit with plenty of adjustment straps
  • Very well made.....typical palm attention to detail
  • Love the foam flex body curving flotation panels
  • Front zip .....tough and much better than my old over the head PFD
  • Excellent anti ride up waist strap; side straps; and then shouldr adjustments. All straps can be tucked out of the way. 
  • It sits low on me and feels very comfortable
  • Plenty of pockets. I've managed to stow safety knife, mini flares, windy anemometer, hand held GPS, sunnies, fingerless gloves and still have room to spare. It doesn't feel bulky although I suspect it looks so. 
  • The fleece lined hand warmer pockets......very nice touch
I've attached a new strobe lifejacket light to one of the attachment points. Below that is my SPOT PLB; on the other side is my VHF radio. 
It has 70 newtons so I shouldn't sink!!!
It sounds bulky but so far I have been able to sit, bend, squat and the arm movement freedom is fantastic.

So now all we need is the sailing weather....preferably around force four/five as opposed to gale force ten which seems to have been most weeks since december! 


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