Saturday 22 February 2014

How long does it take to rig a navigator?

As the fine weather is an interesting point. And Joel, across the big pond, has been doing some research using a video. His navigator 'Ellie' is a lovely example of craftsmanship. Read and see more about what he discovered at



  1. I often ask the same question about our Cornish Cormorant - with free standing mast - so no standing rigging and one sail should be really quick. Normally takes about 3/4 hour, people come to chat, finding something that dropped out of the sail bag, trip to the shop for emergency supplies Mars bar etc.

  2. Yup. If left alone Arwen can be rigged in 25 minutes from towing arrival. The time is lost getting gates opened at marina, storing the trailer, parking the car, paying the launch fee.......all that takes 20 ,minutes!

    I'm always looking to see how I can shorten time and this year I'm wondering if I can collapse the mast but leave most of the rigging in place.......might just be possible.

    I also want to change the main sheet. I have a 12mm main sheet cos that was rope I had surplus at the moment of rigging. I think it is way too I was thinking 8mm......would that be appropriate or is that too small for a main sheet on a main sail of Arwen's size?


  3. Hi Steve,

    Yep...on a good day, by myself, I can pull in to the launch lot and be on the water in about 25 min. The excitement of getting on the water motivates. I am looking to change my shroud attachments this spring, playing with some ideas that will make it possible to adjust tension on the fly. I have a couple ideas floating around, including your solution. I'm thinking that might make rigging a bit easier then my current set up.

  4. Hi tim
    Let me know what you go with



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.