Sunday 26 January 2014

I think I've found another sailing hero

Named Bill. I'll doubt he'll thank me for this but I've just been reading his sailing logs down around the Fal and that part of Cornwall in various small boats. Bill is 80 and has been finishing off the building of a paradox. Great boat, love it.
I hope I have Bill's wisdom, skills, knowledge, writing ability and zest for life when I'm 80. My dad does, so I'm hoping its genetic! In the meantime after a tough few days travelling up to North Wales and back for a family funeral, it has been nice to just chill and sit in my chair next to our window with its views out over the small town below and moors in the distance, and just read Bill's logs.
Roll on the summer sun. And thanks Bill



  1. Bill's an inspiration

  2. We'll, Steve, I'm anything but a hero, and I thank you for mentioning my blog. If it brings pleasure to readers, then it's satisfying for me.


  3. I have this theory. We are all heroes to someone, irrespective of whether we wish to be, or think we are worthy of such a title. It doesn't belittle the meaning of heroism ...............that true heroism shown by ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances etc......heroism comes in many disguises......I guess max is right......heroism can come in the form of being incredibly inspiring. My dad camps on board with me in an open cockpit under a tent and in his late 70's .....well that's pretty impressive and a sort of heroism to me........
    Lets go with inspirational then Bill!

    A lovely blog full of wisdom and insight ...thanks for doing it



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