Tuesday 26 November 2013

Bits and bobs

I have been thinking about making a catering box as a winter project. A quick Internet trawl found this example which I quite like. I could sketch it out and work out dimensions and build it from my scrap ply I store in he garage. I'd want it hold everything...plates, owls, mugs, trangia stove and fuel, washing up kit, tins of food etc etc. I'd want it to sit in the port front side of the cockpit. I've got some tapes already in place for holding the extra ballast water jerrycans I sometimes use. So those could hold it in place.

Below the box photos are some of boat tents. The other thing that occupies my mind!!

And last but not least....my latest rough effort at mastering the iPad art package. It isn't going too well....this mastery thing is it! Still I have the rest of my life to master it!!



  1. I've been working out a cockpit tent, ideally find a cheapie dome or tunnel tent of about the right size and cut the groundsheet out - sadly nothing seems to be the right size

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I hang about GoOutdoors week in, week out and nothing!
    Very frustrating but that is the way I'll go. I'm going to look at how to put in support rails on thwart uprights to take a collapsible sleeping board. All winter projects!


  3. What do you use the owls for?

    I've made a tent for my walkabout, not 100% successful got some ideas for improvement. Contact me direct if you want more info.


  4. Yep should read 'bowls' not owls!


  5. G'day Steve,
    Glad you like my Cook Box. I remember sending the images to Darryl at KTL. Let me know if you would like the dimension. It is to large for my Welsford SCAMP so I am currently building a smaller version.


    John Hall

  6. John
    Thank you. I couldn't remember who to credit it with and then couldn't remember where I found it. I love it. It's functional, stylish, well made. Yep I'd love the dimensions and if ok with you and I go ahead and build it, would you be ok if I documented it if I accredit you?


  7. John
    Thank you. I couldn't remember who to credit it with and then couldn't remember where I found it. I love it. It's functional, stylish, well made. Yep I'd love the dimensions and if ok with you and I go ahead and build it, would you be ok if I documented it if I accredit you?



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.