Wednesday 2 October 2013

Welsford navigator videos on YouTube

I got bored. I couldn't help it! I lost it after a 14 hr day working - 6.30am in school; teaching all day including lunch and after school; returning home to do another four hours prep for tomorrow.

I lost it 15 minutes ago - the plot that is and I succumbed; I started to trawl YouTube!

I know I should have been marking essays, planning my data analysis of Family Fischer Trust Predictions for my classes etc etc etc........but my brain died and gave up the ghost. I've worked five  65 hour weeks on the trot and I needed some respite!

So here are the fruits of my lack of persistence and dedication to the cause.............some recent 'welsford navigator' video clips posted on YouTube.

Enjoy!  I did!!


Shanghai 948  YouTube Channel
Shanghai 948 also has another video which I cannot seem to download here about sailing a navigator with a mizzen staysail. An interesting idea
Go to
Navslipjig YouTube channel
Old Gaffers of WA YouTube channel

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