Thursday 31 October 2013

The National Maritime Museum at Greenwich

Greenwich is London's hidden gem. Across on the south bank it is a mixture of elegant buildings housing the Royal Naval college; the maritime museum and then the Royal Park with the Royal Observatory. Sadly the park was closed and that is the only access to the observatory. the high winds had damaged trees and heath and safety gurus were taking no chances; and whilst I understand this.......I am gutted. I was so looking forward to the Prime Meridian, Harrison's clocks and the observatory. Still, there is another excuse for going up to London next year.

I'm not sure what to make of the Maritime museum. Again, it wasn't what I was expecting. I sort of wandered around and had done everything within two hours. I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong....but I was left with a nagging feeling 'is this it?'

Am I expecting too much? Am I missing out on things in my search for perfection I forget to enjoy what is there? Things to ponder on.

ah...before us the masts of the Cutty sark

The Royal Naval college at Greenwich

Across the water, Canary Wharf...and 'the storm'!

The National Maritime Museum

All the photos below are copyrighted to the Maritime Museum

I think this is an Enterprise dinghy

 Another fine collection of figureheads

this is King Frederick's Royal Barge

the carving and gold leaf work is truly stunning craftsmanship

and the marquetry on this rudder is exquisite

the facial expression on these lions - all hand carved

The front end of the Royal barge

an elegant craft built for speed

there were many fine models

showing the design of many fine ships

I found this part of the collection fascinating

a portrait miniature of Lady Emma Hamilton
she was a beauty

a note from Nelson to Emma: copyright the maritime museum

this was the uniform worn by Nelson when he was shot
The ball hole can be seen just below the epaulette on his left shoulder

a wall mural showing the launch of another navy frigate

and an oil painting depicting a similar launch

this is a half tonne model of the King George V

a half tonne

the catapult plane
Pilots would have to ditch and then be recovered
I'm not sure what their survival rates were like

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