Tuesday 22 October 2013

Sailing up the Lynher at Half term

This is what's in my mind. I thought I might pay a visit to Boating World and they have posted friendly instructions and guidance on the WWW. See below.

An alternative is to pass by and carry on up to St Germans. The tides are right. Low tide is around 7 ish in the morning and incoming with high tide around 2 ish. So up on the incoming and down on the outgoing. They are neap tides as well. Anyway I will do some thinking about it Friday afternoon and perhaps see if my friend would be interested in a longer day cruise if I go. 

I am posting this on a 'blogger' app for IPad ...so it will be interesting to see how it turns out



  1. Looks good my side of the world ;)

  2. Looks good this side as well!!
    Thanks for the tip on the blogger apps - useful and appreciated



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