Sunday 8 September 2013

Visiting Salcombe

I had cause to visit Salcombe today. It will be a fieldwork destination for some of my students next term. It was nice to wander around. The tourists had thinned out as had the boats and I thought to myself " um now wouldn't it be nice sailing the estuary next week".

So that is my plan.....if weather is reasonable........Salcombe........if not Southampton Boat Show!!!


new extended pontoons in Batson creek

This is a lovely little gem in one of the little boatsheds

I'm not sure what kind of boat this is....a folkboat? But what elegant lines - I loved her

A handsome little craft

I'm not sure what this boat it a Salcombe yawl?

In summer this is normally heaving.......on a different note I can never get over how clean and clear the water is in the estuary........a real testimony to the harbour authorities and others in the locality

OK get this.........the cottage on the left or the one next to it is for the local estate agents......price?  wait for it............£750,000! Yep that is right!
39% of houses are second homes in Salcombe and something like 40% of 18 yr. olds that any wonder? How can local people afford these prices?

The Baltic exchange III

Um....quite a bit of money here in these outboards

The Whitestrand pontoons have been extended in length and they can now hold far more boats

I have seen this area absolutely heaving with tenders - you could walk from pontoon to shore across the backs of them!

I like to bring Arwen in here sometimes so I can dash up the ramp and get a 'takeaway' coffee

I've said it before and I will say it again - a great little café with a superb latte!

back at the revamped Batson creek launch area - a lovely wide ramp with plenty of pontoon tying up space

Really helpful signage.....I learnt a lot reading this



  1. looks like a salcombe yawl, lovely example too. it's one of the nicest places to sail

  2. I had a hunch it might be but wasn't sure because the salcombe yawls I've seen in the past look longer, wider with steamed ribs inside - however since I never know what i'm talking about and you really know your boats - I'm going with you on this one guv.
    back at school only one week and my brain is already fried - how you doing - are you going to boat show in Southampton?



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