Saturday 28 September 2013

Steve Evans 51

Steve Evans 51 is a twitter account of what is possibly one of the most remarkable people I have ever seen on TV.  Steve has just been on BBC breakfast talking about the cancer fund and funding of cancer treatments. He is a terminally ill cancer sufferer whose compassion, humour, intellect, zest for life, philosophy, integrity has just shone through like a giant beacon of light from the heavens. This man has just touched the heart of our nation because anyone who just watched this interview between him and Charlie and Louise just couldn't have failed to have been moved by his words and attitude. I cannot begin to imagine what kind of journey Steve, his family and friends have been on in the last few years but his simple, clear, humble words and zest for life will be a very lasting legacy for many who watched this five minute segment.



  1. Steve is an inspiration to those of us who have the pleasure to know him - you can watch more of his journey at which includes some Richard Bacon podcasts AND the magic show he had set a target of attending to be a compere (as only he can do). He was not at all well when doing it, but you really wouldn't know!

  2. Inspirational............yes that was the word I was really looking for but didn't get around to saying in my blog. Steve was 'inspirational'. Thank you for getting in touch Aidan and letting us know where we can see more of Steve. Appreciated.



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