Friday 16 August 2013

Today's sail

Was lovely. Winds from the west-south-west around 7 - 9 knots. The tide was outgoing, a neap; with high tide at 13.10. So it was nice to sail for a few hours and return to a ramp with some depth of water still available.

Also very nice because it is so rare was the fact that my wife joined me for an afternoon sail. We just chilled out crossing Plymouth Sound, into Cawsand Bay and back along the inside of the breakwater. We averaged four knots most of the afternoon and positively rocketed down the Jennycliffe side of the sound back to the Mountbatten breakwater.

With some of the Rolex Fastnet boats leaving port after a few days rest (the main race was last week) it was nice day with something to see and chat about.

Well done to all the Rolex boats.....a challenging race and a badge of honour, irrespective of your placing.


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