Tuesday 27 August 2013

Sailing in Plymouth Sound

Tomorrow will be my last trip this holiday. I have already started work this week, preparing lessons and new courses. School starts on Monday and I will work Thursday - Sunday getting ready. The weather is looking good for tomorrow. Light winds around 8 knots from the north east with several hours of sunshine and no rain. the tides are neaps with high tide around 11 am and around 4.5m.

Sadly I won't be able to fit in an extended passage this year although I haven't ruled out doing something in the October half term!

I am trying to persuade number one son to join me for a bit of fishing. I haven't given up yet although enthusiasm from said son is lacking. It isn't that he doesn't like me; he just hates watersports. However, he does like fishing and so I may persuade him yet.

I'm not sure where I will go. I'd like to try and go up to Dandy Hole on the Lynher but that sounds tricky given the northerly winds. A sail around to the Yealm would be fun or maybe just a cruise up the Plym and around the sound again. I'll decide tomorrow!

He and I did have a good day last week. Son decided he would ride his beloved Stacey, his 1971 motovespa super 125 scooter up to his Grandmother's, a distance of around 100 miles along country roads. You can go via the A38 and M5 motorway but not on a scooter!

It seems such a long time ago when 'Stacey' was stripped down on the work bench in the garage

We took a meandering, somewhat indirect route along minor B class roads and country lanes. It was a really good journey. I either followed or went ahead in the car towing our motorcycle trailer (more of that in a minute). Going over Dartmoor from south to north was a delight. The sun shone, the roads were empty, the views stupendous.

reassembling her bit by bit and that horrible arch section cut out by some former owner who clearly was an idiot!

Son had to drive through a few flocks of sheep on the road, weave between three highland cows and calves sunbathing on a bend in the road by a bridge and avoid hitting Darth Vader in Moretonhampstead square (it was Carnival day!!).  Skirting the back of Exeter through Exwick and then up the main road to Silverton, through the lanes to Willand and on up to Cullumpton. We diverted through the lanes at Uffculume (what stunning rural countryside - a real treat) before gaining the A road to Wellington and Taunton. Skirting Taunton was easy and before you know it we were heading for Glastonbury!

And this was how she looked when we first bought her off eBay all that time ago

The only two scary moments?  When an idiot Landrover driver tail gated my son across the peat moors. the road twist and turns for miles and son was doing 40 - 50mph but landrover driver insisted on staying two feet from son's rear spare tyre and then overtook him on a blind bend. Clown! the other event was when son became boxed in by overtaking cars when he needed to filter across to take a right turning off a duel carriageway. whilst I made the filter lane, son didn't and it was quite funny seeing his somewhat bemused expression as he carried on around the bend on his way to Bridgewater, the totally wrong direction!

And here she is now in her new colours; all reassembled with worn parts replaced; she does 25 to the gallon on short trips around the city and country lanes but much more on longer trips. We did 100 miles last week on one tank of petrol!

And the trailer? Don't ask. We bought it off eBay the day before. it needed new wheels and we purchased those at the local trailer centre. They said they would be easy to fit! Cut a long story short, they weren't and the first one got jammed. We managed to get to the trailer centre who then struggled to move it off but managed and then had the same problem fitting the other one. They did do it though using up their valuable time on other jobs. this was customer service at its best and although it cost it was a great inconvenience to them. Well done to Tamar Trailers in Plympton. Thank you for getting us on the road!

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