Monday 19 August 2013

All fitted now just need testing

Well the new shrouds have been fitted and await testing tomorrow. They look quite traditional and smart. I just hope my splicing, whipping and the hemp rope hold up. My original shrouds were dyneema, high strength. The hemp, well I have no idea! It is modern hemp so I am assuming it will be OK.

The tides are approaching springs and high tide will be at 6am, around 5.2m. Winds will be from the SSW and light, around 3 - 8 knots. I may well do some fishing as well, something I rarely do from Arwen. At the moment I'm intending to sail around the sound, outside the breakwater and possibly up the side of penlee point to the draystone buoy area. It would be nice to call in for a coffee at Cawsand and test out the fore and aft anchor pulley system.

Should be a busy day!

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