Saturday 6 July 2013

The sheaves arrived

Grey not white but I'm ok about that.  I'm in the middle of drilling holes, gluing sides together and trimming to size. I'm not 100% sure how to secure the brass rod in the sides. They fit tightly in the holes but how do you secure them?

Other tasks to do include drilling and inserting dowel pins; shaping grooves on either cheek plate for the rope grommets and making the actual grommets. Making thimbles out of copper pipe off cuts is proving troublesome. Trying to bash them between two ball hammers is taxing in patience and hand-eye co-ordination. So far it's resulted in failure as well. Lots of squashed and collapsed sided thimbles!

Still, by the end of the weekend some blocks should emerge.......well when I have decided how to finish them....varnish? Burgess hydrosol?  Danish oil? Choices, choices, choices.


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