Saturday 6 July 2013

The Lumix TZ40

With a trip abroad sometime this year 'she wot must be obeyed' felt we might need to avail ourselves of a new lightweight camera. A technically advanced one with a big zoom to pick out humming birds in the rainforest canopy. So we surfed the net and read all the reviews of all the current crop of compact digital cameras.

And the Lumix TZ40 came out on top. Most reviews rated it very highly. X20 zoom; wifi transfer of photos to talents or PCs; near field communication allowing an iPad or mobile phone to wirelessly control the camera from near or a little further away.  A review can be read at the website at the end of the post. A few people criticised the picture quality but we can't say we noticed. It's lightweight, sturdy with wifi, GPS, NFC and several other nice features. Anyway we will let you know how we get on with it.



  1. Don't forget to get a tripod, especially when using high zoom levels -

  2. Already sorted Paul......have a small gorilla pod and another small tripod as well but thanks for the tip Paul. Appreciated


  3. we bought a Lumex a couple of years ago, 16x optical zoom with 23x using electronics - been great, easy to use, compact - guess the tz40 is the latest version, -good choice and have fun in costa rica - we thought Iceland would make a good summer holiday - pictures soon.

  4. Saving Iceland for retirement we can really enjoy it without worrying about what children may like to do. Forthcoming holiday still someway off so plenty of time to practice with new camera

    We've had a few lumix before and they have all been excellent.
    Enjoy Iceland Fantastically exciting place to visit.



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.