Monday 24 June 2013

Building blocks

Well, the mahogany strips have been planed and thinned to 12mm thick. The rope is being experimented with. I can get the strops done, no problem...but getting them the correct diameter/circumference .......well now that is a slightly tricky issue.
In the meantime sheaves have been ordered. Since there is a budget to adhere to, I've gone for nylon 35mm x 14mm with an 8mm bore hole. The brass rod is also on its way.
I have yet to get the whipping twine. I am looking for a tarred twine but can't find any as yet. The thimbles are also an issue and I suspect I am moving towards making my own by cutting copper pipe and then bashing it down between two ball hammers until it is rounded.

So what's holding me up? Trying to get hold of some oak strip for between the mahogany cheeks....can I find some....can I heck!  So I may have to go with pine strip wood and make sure it is well soaked in burgess hydrofoil or Deks Oljie when assembled!

I'm just finishing the last of the cleats and the jam cleats. These will be screwed into the boom replacing the plastic black ones this weekend........AFTER I've cut the grass on the back slope lawn which stands at waist height........and which she wot must be obeyed insists must be done first!

Pictures to follow at some stage


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