Sunday 5 May 2013

should have been sailing....but more important things got in the way

I should have been out sailing today - nice south west breeze around 10 knots and plenty of sunshine with a high of 19 C.

However, 'her in-doors' hasn't been well over the last couple of days and since she is always there for me it seemed only right and proper to spoil her a little. So all the washing and ironing has been done; the meals cooked; number one son looked after as he revises for his AS levels next week; and several conversations with number one daughter to cheer her up in the final week before she sits her final degree exams. Flowers have been bought and put in the front room and I am amassing brownie points even though that wasn't the intention.

I've managed to plant out all the veg boxes as well - onions, potatoes, cauli's, broccoli, spring onions (Oh bog - forgot to get those - oops and 'her in-doors' did especially ask for them - ah well another trip tomorrow!); then there be carrots, leeks, a couple of aubergine plants and a couple of experimental red peppers! And if the neighbouring cats come anywhere near them................!!

Somewhere in between, I managed to also sort the slipped mast mast band issue. Can't say it looks pretty but it will suffice.  I spent ages racking my brain on this one because as you can see it had slipped around 10 centimetres (4 inches for our 'over the pond' and 'down under' friends). The shoulder on which the mast band rested had worn away over 6 years.

Anyway, I've screwed in some mahogany blocks, glued beneath; sealed the gaps around the mast band with clear sealant and when all is set will coat the mast with sealer to finish it off. all being well the blocks will stop the band from slipping down again...........I hope!  Couldn't afford a new mast band so make do and mend is the order of the day.

Whist at it, I also took the opportunity to put the mooring pole out of the way. I am forever tripping over the damn thing; or it gets caught in ropes in the boat. It has a place inside but it is always awkward to reach. Here clipped on the side deck, it should be accessible but out of the way!

Wow! Busy day!  Oh and I managed to sort out 'Stacey's' air leak ('Stacey', for those not in the my son's 1967 - 70 motovespa 125 super restoration project; a barn find which had seen better days. She gives us endless minor troubles but she is an old lady and we do love her so...even when she does leak oil all over the garage floor over the course of one night!!!!).

Anyone who can remember the stupid comments made by a vespa forum in the US about both Arwen and Stacey being worthless heaps of junk; and poor Stacey being no better than 'anchor' fooder.......well........her gears have been corrected so that they go the right way now. Her throttle tube is in the middle of being repaired too.  Her electrics now work and all air leaks are fixed.
All is well with the world. What's more, if 'her in-doors' is feeling better tomorrow, I may even go for a sail and conveniently forget the pile of marking that is awaiting me in the hallway!  Wow I am feeling rebellious!!



  1. Arwen is great! ... And I don't care what they say on that vespa forum you've done a bloody good job with Stacey too!

    I've just got myself a Honda cx500 that's a bit younger than your Stacey(1980) and I can say that if I can get it to look half as good her I'll be a happy man.

  2. You've just reached top slot on my Christmas card list. Thank you for such a kind comment.
    Good luck with the Honda
    Send us a picture of progress occasionally


  3. That's a handsome bronze mast band. Where did it come from?

  4. Bought it from a guy who sold bronze fittings at a boat jumble. Sadly he's long since retired. Got lots of bits and pieces off him over the years. I suspect that this mast band probably originated from somewhere like classic marine, here in the UK



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at Look forward to hearing from you.