Friday 24 May 2013

Making cleats

Our office in school is being refurbished and all the very old shelving is being ripped out and binned. So imagine my horror when I discovered lengths of Brazilian mahogany and lovely iroko being chucked out.

So yes I have done the decent thing and through the help of the caretakers recycled some of it. Not much , because lots of it can be used in technology but there were odd bits of no use to anyone but perhaps a boat builder with an idea about replacing the horrible black plastic cleats on his beloved welsford navigator with lovely oiled iroko ones!!!

And guess what? It's Half term! Holiday time! I have time to make some cleats. Yippee!!!!



  1. Oh YEAH! :-) That should make some gorgeous cleats.

  2. When I've fixed the old bandsaw.....another one of those jobs open the ever growing list!



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