Sunday 21 April 2013

The final part

By now it was cloudy, chilly and a nasty wind was picking up. We turned to sail back down the Tamar. That fickle wind had moved due south and so it stayed all the way down the river, which happens to run almost due south.  With the tide still just easing its way in and with the wind increasing in strength, we resorted to motorssailing, with two refuelling stops on the way back down, my paranoia more than an actual need to refuel!  The river entrance proved entertaining with a nasty chop developing that cut the outboard out three times in the narrowness entrance ( heart stopping moments they call those.......thank heavens we had been motorssailing and the main was still up or on the rocks of Devil's point we surely would have been)

It was good to have a shakedown cruise. Dave, as always, was excellent and superbly experienced company. Arwen, as always, was impeccably well mannered.

Bring on the summer!

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