Sunday 21 April 2013

Part 3

And my apologies. Using the iPad to post blogs has its bugs; one of which is that it doesn't like posting longer logs and the bogging screen reaches a capacity and refuses to scroll down further. Irritating and so my apologies to all.

Rounding Bull point and the two Tamar bridges hove into view. The front one is the Brunel railway bridge, over 150 years old and undergoing some repairs. It carries the main London to Penzance railway and our lifeline in the south west to the rest of the UK.  The second bridge is the road bridge linking Devon and Cornwall, which is the same age as me, 51 years old.


  1. Hi Steve - sounds like a great trip! I've managed to get out a few times over the winter, but the weather's not looking good here for a while.

    Posting from the iPad - have you tried using Blogsy? I haven't used it for a while, but it might make life easier for you.



  2. Thanks for the tip Osbert. Will have a look at weekend. Good to hear from you. Stay in touch.



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