Friday 5 April 2013


"Stacey" our 1971 motovespa 125 super sneaks onto the blog. I just passed my CBT test and am slowly getting out and about on the vespa.

Here are two films of this morning's outing



  1. Those were fun! What a lovely area you live in. I like those one lane cobblestone roads. Thanks for the armchair vacation.

  2. It's the barbican, one of the oldest areas of Plymouth. Some of the area survived the bombing of WW2.
    (Although we keep unearthing old bombs. Last year the same digger driver hit two separate bombs within the same week. It made the national papers! Used up his nine lives as well!
    The Mayflower steps are found here where the Pilgrim fathers sailed for some new world other side of the pond! It also has he citadel, one of our Royal Marine bases, who are of course, and rightly so, the best fighting force in the world, in the bet navy in the world. But then we are all biased in Plymouth.


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