Wednesday 30 January 2013

Frustration........a new definition

What can make a grown man lose his rag, rant, have a tantrum and generally curse words he didn't even know he knew?
Spending 6 hours on a phone trying to get an insurance quote for his son to ride his beloved scooter 'Stacey'.
I cannot even begin to describe the frustration of trying to get quotes!
The cheapest I can get is £704 and this is a non fault policy! Now try and get them to define what non fault is.......just don't go here. Apparently it means he doesn't get any legal protection if he is at fault in an accident. At least that is what I think it means because after 20 minutes trying to get the person to explain it to me in words of one syllable, I began to lose the will to live as she read out the same stuff six times in a row and wouldn't deviate from the script!




  1. One of the few remaining bits of freedom that we still have left here in the US is that motorcycle insurance is not required at all in many States, including Washington. I'm sure that will go away some day. And that's for motorcycles, not scooters. I can't even imagine why insurance would be required on a scooter, especially at such a high cost. How much damage can they possibly inflict on another vehicle??

  2. Hi Joel
    Yep the insurance industry over here are blood sucking leeches
    How you doing?

  3. Doing well. Hope you are too. Very little happening in my sailing life at the moment, but plenty behind the scenes. One daughter gave us a grandson. Another daughter got engaged to be married (on the same weekend as the Port Townsend Festival, so I won't make it there this year). Son's taking his last quarter of classes and will have his college degree soon. Had a death in the family (sister's son, auto accident). Mostly been busy with the grandson, working, and dreaming of spring. Many exciting trips scheduled this summer around this area this year though. Hope to do a blog about them soon. Take care, my friend.

  4. Joel, I am so sorry to hear about your nephew. My deepest condolences. Sometimes life throws at us some very difficult times and tests. My thoughts are with you.
    A grandson!
    Wow........I'm a few years away from that yet.......says he a teacher all young people are especially important to me. My daughter is about to graduate as well this year in a few months. Another conservationist let lose on the world. I think we may well need more of them as well. If my daughter told me she was getting married on the day of the plymouth boat festival, I think I would be perfectly entitled to insist that she and her future husband to be do the decent the and move their date!!! Out of respect for all the years I had put into her education, enrichment and general well being. I wouldn't I'd be thrilled to bits.
    Families are special. We never know how things will turn out and I guess we just have to go with what The Lord throws at us. Sometimes we will have moments of great joy; at other times occasions of immense saddens and loss. Faith, family and friends are what gets through all these times.
    Take care, my thoughts are with you and your family. Have fun with your grandson.......the early years are the most formative and important in our life.
    Stay I touch and let me know how it goes with Ellie out on the water, especially the first time grandson gets to go

    Steve x


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