Tuesday 1 January 2013

A New Year Year day sail.........well sort of!

The day didn't start as expected that was sure. A 10.00am launch plan was somewhat delayed by the flat battery on the car! Fortunately AA home start came to the rescue and from call to driving away with new battery took 35 minutes; which I feel is pretty impressive......so Happy New Year to the AA man Steve (THANK YOU Steve!).
Then poor old Arwen jammed on her trailer at the launch ramp. It took 15 minutes to get her moving (as opposed to the normal 60 seconds launch). That was when I also discovered a leak in my yacht boots; yes that's right; boots plural........now what are the odds on that eh?

The swans seemed pretty calm and unfazed by it all; and Arwen did float very nicely at her pontoon mooring. It is the first time she's been in the water since August 2012!
Anyway the forecast did say wind speed around 11 knots and gusts around 20 kts.
Below is a little taster of  the afternoon. Suffice to say it was a wee bit above 20 knots!



  1. ...coming to a theater near you... Wonderful video! How much fun did you have putting that together?

  2. Happy new year bob
    Hope you are well
    Did it all on iPad using an app called iMovie
    A doodle!

    Still getting to grips with iPad but some of the apps are amazing


  3. Hi Steve

    Well done for getting afloat in mid-winter! - our little sailing group were well inland on New Years Day - see www.hostellerssailingclub.org.uk.

    Wondered if you might like to come to our DCA winter meeting in Wembury in March, not far from you I think - send me a message for details or check the DCA bulletin if you have it to hand.

    John and Josephine

  4. John! You are one spooky gent and please take that in the nicest way possible. I have just this minute put down he latest DCA bulletin/magazine. I was thinking about attending the meeting. I have always held back because I' m slightly nervous. I'm a bit of a fair weather sailor as you will have gathered from he blog; and also somewhat inexperienced. For example, I have never actually sailed Arwen onto and off a beach; I often resort to she motor; I still have sail trimming and steering by sails to master. Consequently I have often been worried about holding people up or causing safety issues when out on a rally....silly I know but it is a confidence/ experience issue
    I think I would like to come along justto meet people I guess so let me lo at the diary and school commitments and I'll get back to you soon if hands ok. And thanks for getting in contact. Much appreciated


Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.