Monday 31 December 2012


Ssshhhh! There is just a glimmer, the merest of glimmers; a chance break in the awful weather when maybe, just maybe, Arwen and I might be able to shake off the Christmas slumbers tomorrow with a New Year's Day sail.

Ssshhhhh! Don't speak about it too loudly or the nasty weather gremlins will hear and put the carbouche on whispered plans.  The tide is a massive spring 5.45m at around 8.30 ish. The winds will be 12 - 15 knots with gusts of 26 knots possible so reefing will be they order of the day. The rain, well it may just hold off long enough.

Ssshhhhh! It's the kind of thing dreams are made of................ssshhhhh! Don't let the bad weather gremlins hear us

Happy New Year everyone
Steve and Arwen


  1. Depends which bit of on line seaweed you believe, certainly looks like the current bun will be out, but gusts of 25 knots might be too.

    If I was down your way I might be thinking of a trip up river to Saltash or across Turnchapel

    Which ever fingers crossed

  2. Thanks BB and happy new year
    The tides sadly are wrong for a trip up to saltash so I will probably try up the Plym or maybe across to cawsand via the back of drakes island.
    I may even just do mob drills and picking up buoys as the area will be empty of moored boats
    Take care


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