Saturday 22 September 2012

'Stacey's coming home.....'

'Stacey' my son's motovespa 125 super restoration is returning this week from the garage. She is going through her MOT on Monday. We've seen her started up. She's loud. The carb will need tuning. The mechanics have had her up to 25 mph around the industrial estate. The gear change is a little clunky and will take some getting use to. Number one son also has the petrol tap in backwards so that fuel comes from the reserve and when you have it on the tank - it's the reserve! Confusing. He will need to stick back on the piece we have cut out of card to cover the bit which was cut out of the legshield. And sort that petrol tap!

We cleared the garage this morning in honour of her return. There is now space at the front and we even hoovered up the dust off the floor. Wow!
We've started to investigate getting our CBT tests sorted. We'll post video of her running mid week.


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