Sunday 19 August 2012

Well Dad has arrived and we are fairly well packed for our little adventure. tomorrow, we set sail for Cawsand, around to Penlee and Rame head and then straight across the breakwater to the Great Mewstone; from there into the yealm where we hope to get a berth on a visitor mooring if the place isn't too crowded. You can read about the yealm as an anchorage here at a post I did in the summer of 2010
That seems a long time ago.

The tides tomorrow are big springs 5.5m high tide at 8.53 am; on Tuesday the low tide is 15.15 and only 0.8m so this will be a problem. We won't have access to the slipway until 17.15.
I guess we will sail around Wembury Bay a little and possibly try to go up the Tamar a little way as the tide comes down to the low point; or we can anchor over in Barn Pool near Mount Edgecumbe.

It will be the first time Dad has slept on the boat; I hope he understands how primitive it can be. He is sprightly and feisty in his 70's but even so Arwen's thwarts can feel uncomfortable and if it rains a huge amount, the tarpaulin may leak slightly!!

On the otherhand, I'm really looking forward to teaching him the basics of sailing and for a camp trip.
We are having beef stew and dumplings for evening meal OR pasta and meatballs. He hasn't decided yet. It will start with Minestrone soup and finish with fruit pieces and custard......ah I can already hear the hiss of those two trangia stoves. Wonderful!


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