Wednesday 25 July 2012

Some boats I've been collecting........

photographic wise as I potter about.....along with some photos taken during Monday's sail

At the Captain Jasper's steps, local inshore fishing boats in the Barbican

Something I hate to see.....old boats rotting away on the banks of the Plym

here for the Classic Boat Rally.......the genuine thing

in amazing condition, so well looked after

one of her winches...probably costing a pretty penny

the boat in question....the one and only; the original.......

another possible entrant for the boat rally and a pretty thing too

wow....and I thought Arwen could look cluttered

all this lovely rigging

now that is a bowsprit

waiting out in the sound before entering the cattedown

this was a lovely old boat as well

I found this one lurking in Cawsand Bay....another classic boat rally entrant

and two from Arwen just to finish the post


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