Thursday 19 July 2012

I reversed Arwen into my neighbour's car!

I'm still in shock and I feel awful. 

I've put two dents in my neighbour's car bonnet and caused some deep scratches and minor dents. The paint has cracked and is flaking off and there are white paint marks all down the bonnet! It will need panel beating and a respray of the entire car bonnet. I'm just hoping that the paint is still available as their car is 11 years old and was until I managed to come along in pristine condition; washed each week and stored in the garage everyday. It was their pride and joy.
I can't still quite believe I did it. Our road is narrow and there was a parked car on the other side. A white delivery van was forcing his way through between me and the car opposite and I panicked thinking he'd hit one or other of the cars and so I reversed back a couple of metres and crunch! The outboard bracket hit the bonnet.
I feel awful not just about the damage done but also about the unnecessary stress I've caused them both. They were both so nice about it as well demonstrating extraordinary patience, tolerance and forgiveness. Obviously I will sort out everything including a hire car for them while theirs is in the body shop. But I've still caused them stress and inconvenience; and the likelihood is the car bonnet will be a slightly different shade.......I just cannot believe I was that stupid. My first motoring accident in 30 years of driving and I did it to two of the nicest people I know. Unforgivable. I'm so damned angry with myself for being so careless and causing my neighbours such stress.

And then Arwen's right hand side tyre deflated because the rim has rusted away and so the tyre cannot form a proper I need to get a new tyre and rim.

Day one of the holidays. I hope it will get better than this! I have this real sense of self loathing and frustration at my own gross stupidity at this moment in time.


PS My neighbours have just got back. It will be a new bonnet (as it can't be bashed out because it is a double skin) and new spray job. It will take four days and can't be done until August!  Ouch.  Now I'm feeling doubly bad!!


  1. Hey Steve, I'm so sorry to hear about your unfortunate accident. The most important thing is nobody got hurt. Yes, it's stressful but it's good news that your neighbors are not upset and any good body shop will be able to repair their car and nobody will be able to tell it happened. I hope there is no damage to Arwen. Don't let it spoil your summer and try not to be too hard on yourself. It was an accident and it can all be fixed.

  2. I had a look over Arwen today - I can't see any cracks or dents in the transom so I'm assuming she's OK. thanks for your kind words Joel....apppreciated

  3. Steve, sounds like you have had a fun couple of days. Sorry to hear about the car problems. Only you could do that. I hope your boat is ok. It's a beautiful design. Your neighbour must be a very patient man. I hope you are able to sale this summer. Have a nice holiday.

  4. Thanks...its been a pain few days!


  5. Oh it's too sad to hear about accident, and it was good that no one was hurt. I think all will be good soon and repairing will be done too. Best wishes for you.

  6. Elie yes all the repairs have been done to boat and car and everything is like new. I am fortunate to have a neighbour who is lovely, tolerant, forgiving and understanding



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