Wednesday 6 June 2012

We are nearing the end with 'Stacey' our 1971 motovespa 125 super restoration.  The headset is at the fabricator's having a repair. As you can see a piece fractured and broke off just where the front brake is mounted.

Well quick consultations on this website and smallboards vespa forum led to us knowing we needed it TIG welded. of course being aluminium the temps would have to be very high and that would blister the powder coating and paint job.

looks fine from above doesn't it

Well we can't afford a new paint job for the whole scooter so what could we do?  Well the fabricator over at Marsh Mills down the road from us came up with the solution. Weld the little broken piece onto a metal plate and then bolt the plate back onto the base of the handlebar set; it won't be noticed because it is on the bottom of the handlebar set.

So there we go......a small plate bolted on; it won't interfere with the brake and it will be hidden from view; it won't result in the paint blistering either. Best option we can go for really!


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