Tuesday 5 June 2012

thames pagaent boats and that concert!!

here are some flick'r photos of the Thames boats....gives you a sort of flavour of what went on......

and here are some photos from the concert last night....................all copyright to the following newspapers  The Daily Mail; The Times; The Telegraph; The Guardian; The Scotsman

Gary Barlow: what a star. He organized the lot and co-produced the commonwealth single 'Sing'

Kylie: still as cute as ever

Robbie: the 'show-man'

crowds stretched up the mall and beyond

I wonder what Victoria would have made of her statute being used in this way.....I suspect we'd have been 'rather pleased'; after all she was another 'peoples Queen'

somewhere behind and in the middle of that lot is Buckingham Palace

To be honest it was pretty good stuff and I would have loved to have been there. Mind you Lord knows what Grace Jones was doing or thinking....or wearing for that matter.  And Stevie Wonder and WillIam - well it wasn't the Queen's birthday boys - it was her diamond Jubilee - something slightly different......but hey that's just nit picking.

Highlight for me - Maddness on the roof of Buckingham Palace and those awesome projections onto the front of the Palace as they sang........awesomely cool....as my Yr 9 class would say!

It was sad that Prince Philip couldn't be there due to illness. He is a bit of a hero of mine, despite his odd gaff's. I used to lead a Duke of Edinburgh Award group; I know how much he and all those who run it in his name have done for the youth of our nation. I even gained my Gold Award many years ago and received it from him at The Palace. We as a nation know and value how much the Queen missed him alongside her last night and how she wanted the show to go on.

All in all, a cracking four days with our nation presenting itself at its very best. Well done London and well done the Royal Family too.

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