Sunday 17 June 2012

Planning the summer voyages up The Tamar and the Dart

We are having a 'finish 'Stacey' day' today! With a bit of luck, if my son manages to rouse himself out of bed now that he has finished all his exams, we might, might, just get a few hours on 'Stacey'; and if all goes well, we could see her being started. However, given I have four hours of school preparation work this afternoon to do for tomorrow and its now already 9 am.......and no signs of stirring from number 1 son's bedroom.....this is looking a distant unachievable goal for the day!

so close to completion....and yet so far to go!

It's father's day as well today and I've been giving some early morning thought to a trip for me and my Dad up the Tamar to Calstock. We didn't manage to achieve it at Easter and so I want to try and get it done this summer.

There are some good tides for Calstock up the head of the Tamar. July 30th and 31st low tides will be around 1000 -1100 and this means we could go up on the tide although I will have to arrange with QAB to use their northern slip if they will let for one occasion as there will be insufficient water on the southern slip.  The other possible tidal gate would be 1st and 2nd of August with tides a little later at around midday. If we didn't get as far as Calstock, we could stop overnight at Morwellham or perhaps Weir Quay I suspect; alternatively we could go up the Lynher and overnight up at Dandy Hole, depending on the weather.

In the meantime I am also giving some more thought to doing a bigger sailing voyage this summer, from Plymouth Sound to Salcombe; from Salcombe around to Dartmouth and then possibly all the way up river to Totnes; taking Arwen out here.

I'd envisage a two (maximum three) night trip. Part of me would like to sail it from Totnes backwards to Plymouth but prevailing winds are normally from the south west along our coastline and so we'd be heading back into a wind which makes it uncomfortable. You can find out more information about sailing the Dart at these websites. One of them is from a canoeist's perspective....a cracking website/blog called 'song of the paddle'. Enjoy!

the view looking upriver at Baltic wharf in Totnes - as far as we would be going

Anyway, plans are afoot. Happy Father's Day if you are reading the blog this morning Dad and check out whether you might be able to do these dates and let me know.

And now it's time to incur teenage wrath by rousing number one son!


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