Friday 8 June 2012

beale park boat show

Beale Park boat show got cancelled today but will be on tomorrow. Having driven up from Plymouth and checked the website at 8am and again at 9am I was somewhat annoyed to find that I arrived at 10am to be told by security guards that they made the decision to cancel it at 9.45am.

I appreciate how difficult such events are to put on; and how much fantastic work gets done behind the scenes but I'm pretty sure that someone could have made the decision earlier!  At least I hadn't travelled all the way down from Scotland like the poor gentleman I gave a lift back to the station had done. He had to be at a wedding tomorrow and so this was his only day. My heart really felt for him.

I hope they are able to put on the event tomorrow. It is always the highlight of my boating year is Beale Park. Sadly I had only today and have other engagements tomorrow. A tank and a half of petrol! never mind, there is always next year's event. I wish the organisers good luck for tomorrow and I really feel for all those exhibitors who have lost a day's earnings in a very tough economic climate.


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