Tuesday 29 May 2012

At long last: how to reef a sprit boom in video

Well done Wayne. What a fantastically useful little video. Hat's off to that man; not only for a clever, simple and clear video on how to reef a sprit boom lug sail but also on how to clear a front cockpit and maintain boat trim and balance (you'll see)! The height of organisational efficiency. Star man!

A must watch for all Nav owners. THANK YOU  Wayne!


Now I know what I'm doing wrong!!
And thanks to Steve Earley as well for clearing up what I was doing wrong when tacking under jib and mizzen only.  Slacken off the mizzen more than I have been doing. Dur! It sounds so simple when you hear it from experienced sailors!

Thanks both of you - much appreciated.



  1. Glad to help.

    I have certainly enjoyed following your travels (and travails) aboard Arwen.

    Additionally, the discussions you have started on the Yahoo group regarding the "dreaded crease" have been very helpful.

    While we were out, we were certainly thinking of you. We were on a bay of Lake Erie, you have been in the Atlantic Ocean. Our adventures still pale in comparison to yours!

    God bless!

  2. An alternative might be sheet in jib and mizzen really tight, put the boat hard on the wind, the main should hand out to leeward completely de-powered, the boat should sail slowly to windward under complete control while you reef the main as the video - has worked on every boat I've had

  3. Wayne - don't confuse running along the english channel 3 miles off shore with out on atlantic - different beasties.......although I have seen 2 miles off rame head foaming before now! And I dont have such a lovely crew to trip over!!!! I just manage to trip over teh clutter I seem to acculumlate

    BB - that's a clever tip that is; and one i will be trying asap next week when half term hols arrive

    i'll keep you both posted



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.