Tuesday 27 March 2012

this coming weekend

is looking good for the first sail of the season. The weather promises to be sunny; the winds are light 7 kts from the north; the tides are good with high water at 11am and a tidal height of 4.1 m so that means I can launch at 8am and come off the water at 2pm and still have some tide left on the ramp.

I can have the Cattedown to myself to practise coming alongside mooring buoys - picking up buoys; sailing off buoys. of course the disadvantage is that the Cattedown is in full view of two marinas, two sailing schools, the water taxi; four pubs; the barbican and the hoe.......so maybe I'll sail off somewhere else to practise!

I have a little new camera to test thanks to my Aunt - a 50th birthday pressie last week - well she sent some money which has funded the camera (thank you AJ). With my track record I went small, cheap and functional a little Nikon coolpix and thus far it seems quite good. I'll post photos and video on Sunday and you can all decide about quality.

In the meantime I have been checking the stats. The blog is coming up three years old - where has the time gone - amazing! There have been 76,000 page views since it started. Last month was the highest monthly total (6524). Since December the blog has averaged 300 page views a day (is that good? I have no way of measuring it or comparing it); does it matter anyway? Do I really care? Am I that vain and egotistical? Would I still write it even if no one ever logged on? Probably - its therapeutic, a diary etc - is this a sad admission?

The most popular pages? Well that record goes to 'just when I think I'd got this lug sail thing sorted'; 'the sinking of the bismarck'; and 'creek crawling up the Lynher'.
The most popular traffic sources?  Well no surprises here - Joel's navigator site; Rob's 'middlething' site and Gavin's 'in the boatshed' site.  Thanks guys, really appreciated!

Come on Saturday...three more days of school; and please don't let OFSTED phone tomorrow to visit us on Thursday and Friday - that would just be kicking a man when he is already down and stomping on his head!

Saturday is coming; Saturday is coming!


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