Monday 17 October 2011

a short clip of Saturday's 'reflective motor/sail'

Below is just a short clip of being out and about on Saturday. I need to get a new camera. My little red one isn't that good........which is beside the point, as it too, gave up the ghost on Saturday and uttered its last little shutter sound...........I take care of my equipment so carefully.....but lets face it........the last two outings have not been good.....written outboard engine; one radio; one video camera and now one small digital defies belief and logic! I have never ever had so many equipment issues in one short space of time. I'm the man still using rucsacs, mountaineering and travel clothing 25 years old because I've looked after it so well.....baffling!

I also forgot about and rediscovered this link to a nice navigator build in progress at the moment -

Wilfried's navigator build is still ongoing and can be seen here as well......

and talking of navigator builds.....Wayne had his boat blessed over the weekend and there is a nice report at

I think he was launching it today. I know it will have gone well and I'm really looking forward to hearing his news and the photograph reports


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