Tuesday 18 October 2011

and here is even more to cheer us up when a new navigator gets launched

Happy birthday Wayne and congratulations on a fine launch, a lovely family day out and a brilliant looking boat called 'Good enough'.......brilliant name and the boat......well it looks far better than its name my friend!

I believe they call this the 'happy boat builder' photo
Copyright Wayne!

Read about the family day out and launch at : http://donumvitae.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/o-frabjous-day/

I love it when another navigator gets its first launch. Actually I love it when any boat gets its first launch. This has cheered me up no-end!

and into the water goes 'Good enough'
copyright Wayne

I've just realised something. Having build some odd canoes etc.....Arwen is my first boat proper and she's white hulled. All the rest were the same green as 'Good Enough'. How weird.......I wonder why I changed?

Wayne, may you and your family have many long voyages in her and once again....happy birthday!!


The Happy family
copyright Wayne or Joel (sorry guys can't remember which one took it...sorry!!)


  1. Steve:

    The second picture was taken by the wonderful couple who gave us a hand. Unfortunately, Joel and I live about 2500 miles apart, so we have never met in person.

    Thank-you for the kind words and good luck with your scooter.

    God bless!

  2. ah! knew i got it wrong - sorry guys.......we british have no concept of distance do we!!
    cracking boat Wayne - well done



Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.