Tuesday 6 September 2011

we are counting down

Boats have been out and about training.......I'm stuck in school unable to catch up with them. I love my job but just occasionally I'd like to be elsewhere.......like Plymouth Hoe.  Go to these links to catch up with the Plymouth leg of the America's Cup videos.....





copyright boating World

I want to enter the competition to win a sail on an AC45 next Thursday with one of the crew - but sadly teaching commitments prevail..............so dream on Steve.........

I can't wait for Saturday...this is going to be awesome!  All being well weather wise I will try to get Arwen out and on the Sound next weekend for the end of series races and do a blog update from the water, anchored in one of the designated spectator areas with some video footage. Four days to go; four days to go!!


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Thanks for taking a look at my blog. All comments and advice are welcome - drop me a few lines. You can always find videos about Arwen at www.youtube.com/c/plymouthwelshboy. Look forward to hearing from you.