Sunday 18 September 2011

last day....and the fleet race championship....

for the Plymouth leg of the ACWS takes place this afternoon at 3pm. I haven't been able to make head nor tail of the courses as they seem to change according to the weather conditions at the time. I was very impressed with the 'Big Screen' commentary and live camera work up on on the Hoe yesterday though. Really impressive. i do have some video material which I need to put together over the next few weeks but in the are the shots from the AWCS that are slightly different and non AC45 related

medical boats

marker boats

boats for the World's press

TV cameras and reporters

crowds at the village

a pause to catch breath for support crews

maintaining boats

'getting the prime location to see it all'

Crowds on the Hoe

a tent village in Millbay docks

some awesome cutting edge technology

time to play baseball!

a World wide communication centre

a bolt hole to retreat to for bacon butties and tea

the restored Lido

rather breezy at times

constant changing of courses

excited spectators from all parts of Europe and the UK

remembering to dodge the Ferry

ignoring the harbour speed limits

chaos on the water

thrills....and some spills

pain, sweat, frustrations, and bags of commitment

ancient castles and modern boats

low flying helicopters

crowds on very vantage point

desperately wishing you had a ticket for a seat on THAT boat

or even for this one

floating advertising

umpires and race officials

the sight of the Missus actually coming to a boating event with!

rain, rain and more rain.....

getting out the big guns!

dodging those rain bands

music lovers

constant updates

live bands on the Hoe after the races

I've just realised is going to be very boring around here next week!
ACWS people, we have loved having you in Plymouth. It has been a joy and privilege sharing your trials, tribulations and successes with you. We hope we have done you proud. You have certainly done that for us.
THANK YOU  for coming to share your lives with us and we hope that you will come back again one day and do it all again.
ACWS sailors and support teams - Plymouth salutes you!

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