Sunday 21 August 2011

bad luck happens in three's....doesn't it?

First it was my sanyo waterproof camera........went kaput!  Then my faithful outboard started playing up.......water in the carb (more about that later!!) and then I dropped my replacement samsung camera in the huge puddle of water collecting in my boat (and more about that later too).  So I'm hoping my run of bad luck has ended!

In the meantime, Arwen and I have returned from our voyage to Fowey in one piece.......just!
To whet your appetite for some fuller reports, here are some initial pictures and a preliminary video clip. More updates to follow over the next week or so


The day started with a huge fog bank covering most of the western side of Plymouth Sound. This was just emerging from the fog into brilliant sunshine

One leaving port, one waiting to enter port!

Windless, smooth seas, and Rame Head

Everything the cruising dinghy sailor needs to hand for coastal navigation

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