Monday 25 July 2011

tomorrow........options, options

High tide is 1440 and its around 4.9m. so low tide will be around 8.40am.  The wind is supposed to be from west or north west  force 3 or 4; the weather is 40% cloud cover but temps in afternoon of 22C. sea state will be smooth and visibility moderate.
So.......options - well heading up the Tamar is possible although when turning west into the Lynher - it will be directly into the wind! Lots of tacking then!
Alternatively, a sail out past Penlee point and around Rame Head is also an option - a more open coast passage and against the incoming tide but possible! Would make the wind come over the starboard side - close haul and broad reach for much of the way..........

I'll decide tomorrow. Either way, just being out on the water will be fun


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