Thursday 14 July 2011

sorry for the lack of posts

all lined up ready to go's the end of term....and it's been a long term! However, this week has been activities week and we have been doing watersports at our local centre - canoeing, sailing, kayaking and bizarrely abseiling and rock climbing.

sailing Hawk 20's

We break up next week and on the cards are
a) a sail up the Tamar to Calstock with an overnight onboard camp
b) the Plymouth regatta week, which I will post on
c) the classic boat rally which I will be sailing amongst
d) a sail expedition down to Fowey and back

and here is the boat that deliberately cut up one of our Hawks - clearing it by less than a boat length! there is still plenty to come.......

having a breather on mountbatten beach

playing water quidditch

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