Wednesday 20 July 2011

I was looking over Gavin's site and he reminded me that the Plymouth Classic boat rally is back on.

The actual website for the Rally is here at

I note that some friends just down the road have entered their classic boat. They have spent a huge time restoring it and it will be good to see them out there.

I have already checked that I can launch from QAB since the classic boat rally is in the same week as the port of Plymouth regatta  so its going to be very busy out there. I'd better brush up on my knowledge of 'rules of the road'. Up until now I've relied on the knowledge that when on the starboard tack I have right of way!!  Suspect I'll need to know a little more than that!
I'll do a post and try and get some pictures posted. I'm away for the first two days of the rally so won't see all the boats moored in Sutton Harbour.

We are also very lucky to be hosting the Americas' Cup  in September. I'm gutted because I will be teaching each day whilst these amazing boats and crews will be racing at top speeds only 25 metres from the Hoe foreshore! You can find out more at this site

I know there is some racing on the Saturday's - I'll be there from sunrise booking my space on the Hoe at the cafe with the fantastic views! Family life is on hold on those weekends. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The weather is beginning to improve and Friday is looking hopeful for a sail. High tide is at 10.45am. Winds are predicted 5 -8kts variable, starting from NW but drifting around to NE. There is a high pressure system building over the northern Atlantic which should block out some depressions for the weekend. You can see weather forecasts at and also at
Over the next few days I'm going to pick my target dates for sailing down to Fowey and also sailing up the Tamar with Dad. I'll obviously share plans as they develop.

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