Saturday 18 June 2011

a change of plans

I was supposed to be sailing this weekend, crewing for a friend in his 'postboat' but the weather has been foul. Forecast force 7 gales with squally winds and heavy rain, you'd never believe it is our summer would you.

Still every cloud has a silver lining and so we worked on 'Stacey'.

getting ready to install the second chrome trim

new chrome trims and new piaggio badge

took a little fiddling around but we got it fixed back on
and yes......we know it isn't the right glove box but that's what 'Stacey' came with

the glove box lid doesn't fit properly....neither does the lock work reliably, ho hum!

the cog wheel from under the kickstart assembly

with shim washer being removed

to reveal bearings below

one of the gears

the bit causing me problems
I have no idea how to get it out
the drum is attached to the main spindle but this bit at the bottom grips the base of the drum
I have no idea how that comes out and then how to get the drum bit out

what it looked like before I started taking it apart

the other side......and that basket contraption doesn't seem to want to come out either


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